domenica 17 febbraio 2013

Politics in Italy: a weird combination.

Hello to everyone, I hope you've all had a good Sunday! Today I am going to write about the political set which predicts the polical elections that will be held on the 24th and 25th of February.

As you might have heard, here in Italy (in a week) we'll be called to vote for a new Prime Minister.
But as ever, the political panorama is full of controversies and strange allies.

At present the most popular candidate is probably P.L. Bersani, the major leading figure of the left of centre political party "PD" (Partito Democratico); in my opinion, he represents the will of change for million of Italians who are tired of being led by a governing body which is basically unable to satisfy the needs of a population striken by an economic crisis that has exacerbated everyone for years.
And yet, if he wants to reform the Country he will need a strong majority in Parliament (majority which I think will hardly exist with our present proporional system).

Other than that, there are a few more parties that will probably represent many Italians in Parliament.

First of all, our ex-PM Mario Monti has decided to candidate himself as Prime Minister leading a moderate party (Lista Civica) which basically wants to keep on cutting the public expense to reduce the Italian debt. His main aim is that of contributing to lead Italy out of the Euro-Crisis that has been striking our continent since 2008.

Another omnipresent political figure as for the Italian panorama is Mr. Silvio Berlusconi, leader of the "PDL" (Popolo delle Libertà). Although this time he doesn't want to candidate himself as Prime Minister (in fact, he is running for the Ministry of Economics), we all know that the real leader remains "il Cavaliere". The PDL would like to reduce the tax burden to make the Italians breathe, without taking into account the economic concequences that will follow such decision.

Beppe Grillo
Moreover, there is another "party"- Il movimento 5 stelle, led by the ex-comician Beppe Grillo, which is becoming very popular here in Italy. Grillo is not a politician, he complains about everything and everyone but still, he includes loads of Italians tired of the same old story: a polical panorama unable to lead the country properly.

This situatuon should make us all think about our future; the question is: do we want to step forward or get stuck one more time? Are we really tired of the same old story? Well, I do hope so with all my heart. Italy deserves a lot more than an international fama of decayed and corrupted country.
We must wake up!

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