venerdì 14 dicembre 2012

Political Controversies

It's been a while since I last wrote on my blog, and I suppose it's because of the ton of work which education at university requires; other than that, yes, I am still alive!

However, today I would like to write about polical controversies in Italy: this time the whole article will be in English because here in Italy we all know what the sory is like. But still, first of all I feel obliged to say something about what I am going to talk about.
I do not intend to sound rude towards my native country, if I criricise it it's because, in any case, I love it.

Well, as you might have heard, our Prime Minister Mr. Mario Monti is likely to resign as soon as the Parliament will approve the financial bill regarding the Italian public debt, a bill which is supposed to describe the annual balance sheet and find a solution to the econimic crisis that has been striking "il Bel Paese" since 2008. But the question is: why does he want to resign? In fact, the situation is quite strange.

Mario Monti became Prime Minister just over a year ago, after Mr. Silvio Berlusconi decided to resign because he could not count on a strong majority in Parliament. Well, that majority is likely to carry a motion of no confidence against Monti and it is strange because of a weird coincidence: a few days ago Berlusconi declared that he will run for office one more time.

As far as we know, the election will be held in February, and the PDL (Berlusconi's political party) has decided not to change its leader. But the point is, will he be re-elected (this would be the sixth time)?
Will his charisma make him win again? Well, according to what the Italians think and what we hear on TV he is not likely to win one more time. Italy wants to change, we want to be represented by someone different, someone we can trust, even if nowadays it seems to be really difficult to believe in politics and politicians in a country like ours.

And yet, we cannot be sure; it will be up to the Italians to make the decision; if we will be strong enough to risk then we might see a new Prime Minister in February, but if we don't (this is my personal angle of view), Italy will probably collapse just like Greece: and it would be an enormous shame.

In the meantime, the whole EU is looking at Italy, waiting for the decision that could change our future.

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